17 July 1996, Vassula prays:

O Light!
O Inaccessible Light thrice Holy,

Come! descend now
and come not only on those who invoke You
because they have heard of You,
but come also on those who have never known You!

Come! O Lamp of our body!
Come and correct all those who have never understood You;

Come to all those who fear You,
Come and unveil Your hidden treasures,
these treasures kept for our times,

Come! come and reveal
the Father and the Son’s Holy Countenances;
Come and reveal Yourself, Holy Spirit!
Come my Friend,
for You are the dazzling Light of our heart,
Come from on high
and clothe us with Your power and splendour;

Come and lodge inside us
and make out of Your Dwelling,
a place of prayer,
for You are the Constant Prayer;

See how naked we are now without You?
Come and shine Your Light in this darkness;
You are The Promise, You are our Love,
You are our Light,
Yes! You are The Promise!

You are the One of whom Scriptures say:
“It will never be night again
and they will not need lamplight or sunlight,
because the Lord God will be shining on them.”1

You are our Pledge of our inheritance,
Holy be Your Name and Blessed;
You are the priceless and inestimable pearl;
You are the radiance of our soul,
You are The Banquet and our festivity,
You are the Irresistible Companion of our life,
You are the Throne of the poor in spirit,
You are the Kingdom of kingdoms, the Empire of the empires,

O Visitor of our soul,
Come and free us!

1. Rv. 22:5.

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