18 September 1990, Vassula prays:

My Lord,
You who guard me from evil
and surround my soul with Your love Songs,
let Your Holy Face smile on all who love You.
Teach the youth of today to follow You and imitate You.
Show them the Treasures of Your Sacred Heart
and teach those who still do not understand and waver undecidedly
before this Holy Name You have chosen: Sacred Heart,
to learn that it is You, the Christ
let those who keep on differentiating themselves
because of theological terminology,
yet are under Your Holy Name,
come back to their senses
and realise how they encourage this Division in Christianity,
and how they are not doing Your Will,
but are granting Satan one more foothold to keep us apart,
thus weakening Your Church;
You are Jesus Christ, the Beloved Son of God and Saviour,
The Sacred Heart, The Word, The Alpha and the Omega,
The Light, The Redeemer, The Panto-Crator:
You are ONE Christ.
You are not parcelled out!
so I pray to You,
who want us to be united
to unite us again in love,
in heart, in our belief and practice.

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