29 November 1989, Vassula prays:

in spite of the fact that many nations
have sunk into a pit of their own making,
and are caught by the feet in the snares they set themselves,
have pity on them;
Lord, grant them a hearing,
make out of them a completely new batch of bread,
glorifying You, my King,
I shall ask You again Lord of Love, Lord of Mercy,
that those who heard and heard again
but never understood, to hear this time
for the sake of Your Love
and that those that saw and saw again
but never perceived, to perceive this time,
for the sake of Your Great Mercy,
entering thus into Your Mystery,
soften their heart so that they may understand
fully with their heart and not with their mind,
and thus be converted and healed by Your Divinity,
then they shall realise how wonderful Your decrees are,
and their soul shall not resist but respect them.

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