This Tuesday marks the 32th Anniversary of the True Life in God Messages. It was November 28, 1985 when Vassula received her first Message from Heaven. Since that time, she has received nearly 2000 published Messages which are now translated into more than 40 languages. Read more about the Anniversary here…
Thirty two years of True Life in God and still going strong because when you work with God the journey is always amazing, no matter the obstacles!
I congratulate all you especially Vassula Reyden.
May God continue tell us what He wants we be and we do.
Have a very happy anniversary day.
Soyez tous abondamment bénis!
Your brother in Jesus-Christ,Célestin from Burundi.
Here’s what I wrote for the Amazon review:
Over 24 years ago, a friend brought over a few videos about a supposed mystic, Vassula Ryden. They were talks given by her in Independence, MO. She told her story about God entering her life and asking her to be His scribe, to allow Him to use her hand to write messages for our time. While I found the videos interesting, I certainly needed more before I would believe that the mystic and the messages were legit. I purchased the first and last volumes of the work, one and six at the time, went camping for a week and read them both. I came away convinced that the author of the work is our Triune God. Certainly, no human could write this. It’s much too profound and to suggest that it comes from the dark side makes no sense at all. The house can’t be divided against itself, and the positive fruit of this work is significant. I returned from camping, bought the remaining volumes and have been reading and sharing ever since.
How did it change my life? When I began reading the work, I was a fairly zealous Catholic but a willful one. In my intellectual arrogance, I thought I knew it better than the Holy Father and the Magisterium. I was suffering from that ubiquitous spiritual disease known as rationalism. It’s not that I was a bad person. I just felt that the Church was all wet about a number of different issues, and I knew it better and could do it my way. Many Catholics and others, including clergy, are infected with rationalism. One might even call it the spiritual scourge of our times, the spirit of disobedience, the spirit of the anti-Christ. I have become an obedient, orthodox Catholic, and I’m totally comfortable with that because I believe Scripture and what the Lord says in True Life in God, Peter has the keys.
Not only did I become an obedient Catholic, but being formerly very critical, I fell in love with the Faith, with His Heart and with His Mother’s Heart. We dedicated our home to the Two Hearts and became more faithful in praying the rosary. The litany goes on, and we are humbled by His goodness to us.
I have lost count of how often I’ve read the Odes of the Holy Trinity. The little book sits on my nightstand. It puts my heart in the right place before closing my eyes. It is God’s discourse on mystical marriage, as related in the Gospel of John, our becoming one with Him. I pray that one day it will be true:
“enwrapped in My Holy Spirit, your mouth will be My Mouth, your limbs, My Limbs, your eyes, My Eyes, your utterance will be My Utterance; your acts and thoughts will all be divine; henceforth, your entire lustrous being and soul will be animated by Me; this will be the beginning of your new life in Me… I will be possessing you and you in your turn will be possessing Me;” Ode of the Son
Some may complain that the messages are too Catholic. They are what they are. He never tells us to become any particular religion. He simply explains what it means to live a True Life in Him today.
Thank you Tender Lord, for having invaded and touched me so deeply through the TLIG Messages. I am a new person because of Them.
Thank you Vassula Ryden, for accepting God’s work and for bringing His Words to us with such simplicity.
Happy 32nd anniversary TLIG. 2013 I first read the messages. Had doubts at times but on page 213 Jesus tells me that it’s no accident that I’m reading His messages. Thanks for listening to His call and allowing me to know what true life in Him is. Thank you Jesus for showing us Your path. Narrow is the path and on it you walk through briars and thorns but it ends at the Sacret Heart of Jesus. Wide is the path of destruction we find it most everywhere we look it’s easy and comfortable but leads to destruction. There is no peace or true joy found in it. My prayer today is for all to find His path and in love and unity with Him.
In 2015 my niece sent me a text message saying, if I had heard of Vassula Ryden’s prophesy. I texted her that I was kind of skeptical about modern prophets because of what my sister had experienced in Greece 10 years before. An imposter prophetess, who had convinced the clergy and the people for 10 years, with miracles (with temporary cures) and sopposedly phylanthropic donations. She was finally cought that she was an sorceress. However, my niece insisted that I listen to her on You Tube, and so I did. I was still skeptical, but ordered her book, The Angel Daniel and read most of the internet letters from Jesus. I had cleared every letter I read through Scripture. The amazing thing was, that I couldn’t stop reading, the letters were like a magnet holding me captive unto the late hours of the night.
My heart was crushed when I read that Jesus suffers the agony of the Cross because of our iniquities, our apathy towards Him and our ingratitude. It isn’t enough to say that we follow His Commandments, He also needs to hear that we love, adore and glorify Him, which I had never done.
True Life in God has changed my way of relating to my Lord and King. Before, if someone would ask me to leave Orthodoxy and become a Protestant or any other faith I would have never agreed to do so, because I had study about my faith and new it was Scriptually sound and it followed the Apostolic Holy Tradition. I had intelectually excepted the importance of my faith but I lacked fervent love for my God. Now, I understand why the Apostles and Martyrs gave their life to the Lord, because of their deep love they had for their Lord. This is the type of love Jesus expects from all of us in order to be with Him forever.
When St. Nicholas was stripped of his Bishop garments and thrown to prison because he had strucked Arius, the Virgin Mary and Jesus visited him in prison, and asked him why he was there. He said, because of the love I have for you My Lord. Jesus gave him a new set of Bishops garments, a Myter and a Gospel.
Blessed be Our Lord forever and ever, Amen!