Jesus, give me the strength, the faith and the love
29 March 1988, Vassula prays: Jesus, give me the strength, the faith and the love to do Your Will. Teach me to obey You and humble myself, teach me to forgive my oppressors and repay [...]
My God I no longer can my eyes from Your Divine Face
26 March 1988, Vassula prays: My God I no longer can detach my eyes from Your Divine Face my eyes are fixed upon you in endless hours of adoration and my mind cannot detach itself [...]
I love you Lord and Saviour
19 March 1988, Vassula prays: I love You Lord and Saviour, please teach me to please You, so that I am able to be with You, so that I am able to be used by [...]
O God, how can I not love you?
12 January 1988, Vassula prays: O God, how can I not love You? I am Yours, even if I am clay. All I do is out of love for You. I do not seek my [...]
Yes, Lord, You are indeed my Hope
10 January 1988, Vassula prays: Yes, Lord, You are indeed my Hope, You are my Happiness, my Smile, in You I believe, You are my Joy of life, You are my Life, I adore You [...]