I bless You, Lord, You who fostered me, father-like
31 July 1990, Vassula prays: I bless You, Lord, You who fostered me, father-like; if my feet wander away from Your Rightful path again, come quickly to my rescue.
Make my heart ready, dear Lord, to praise You
31 July 1990, Vassula prays: Make my heart ready, dear Lord, to praise You in constancy. I am surrounded by temptations that make me forget Your Presence.
My Lord, revive me as Your Word guaranteed
31 July 1990, Vassula prays: My Lord, revive me as Your Word guaranteed. Take away this spirit of lethargy that lies on me. For how long will I have this spirit? Instil a constant spirit [...]
Explain to me, my Jesus, how to respect and follow
27 July 1990, Vassula prays: Explain to me, my Jesus, how to respect and follow Your Law and how to observe Your Commandments. Guide me in the path of Your Commandments, I mean to meditate [...]
My God, You rained a downpour of blessings on me
4 July 1990, Vassula prays: My God, You rained a downpour of blessings on me, Knowing that what You own and is Your 'property' is wicked and imperfect, and that I was unable to give [...]
Smile to us, Lord, and every face on earth
4 July 1990, Vassula prays: Smile to us, Lord, and every face on earth shall grow brighter, Hope shall creep back in our hearts, and the whole earth, from end to end, will remember and [...]
Come then and invade me!
4 July 1990, Vassula prays: Come then and invade me! How am I to find the Way unless You fill my spirit with Your Light to guide my soul to the Truth and the Life?
I love You, my Lord and my God
4 July 1990, Vassula prays: I love You, my Lord and my God, with all my heart, with all my soul and with all my mind, but I know that my love is poor, miserable [...]
I pray You Lord o offer me the gift of discernment
8 June 1990, Vassula prays: I pray You Lord to offer me the gift of discernment to protect Your Word and be able to know the right from wrong, evil from good, the Truth from [...]
Come, come to us Lord and multiply Your Seal
23 May 1990, Vassula prays: Come, come to us Lord and multiply Your Seal of Your Holy Spirit's Love on our forehead, the seal of the Promise; God, create a clean heart in us, I [...]