Praying for our world!
With hurricanes in North America, flooding in South Asia, and the recent earthquake in Mexico and Guatemala, we, as Christians, should seek to help those who are hurting and in need. One way we do that is [...]
With hurricanes in North America, flooding in South Asia, and the recent earthquake in Mexico and Guatemala, we, as Christians, should seek to help those who are hurting and in need. One way we do that is [...]
PLEASE COME AND JOIN US FOR THIS VERY SPECIAL EVENT The deadline for registration is October 6th, your payment needs to be in our mailbox no later than the 6th. The October TLIG Retreat will [...]
Normal service has resumed after the significant attack to the data center and server of TLIG Radio. Once more we apologise for any inconvenience caused.
There is a significant attack ongoing at present, which is affecting the TLIG Radio connectivity. The data centre are working to mitigate this attack. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Following an extended series of meetings in Italy during May, Vassula is now about to begin a series of meetings in the Nordic countries. For further details visit the Events page. Please spread the word!
Just an hour ago the Lord gave to Vassula the following Message: I Am; Truly I say to you, I am with you together with your Holy Mother accompanying you, and with those I [...]
Dear friends we would like to announce the launch of our new Italian TLIG Radio channel!
"I, Jesus Christ, dictated you My agony;" - TLIG message of November 9th, 1986
The Lord speaks: "My child, pray for your brothers that have abandoned Me and are only captivated by the worldly riches, pray for those lost souls who fear My Cross ... pray, My child, for [...]
Wishing Vassula a very HAPPY 75th BIRTHDAY! Thank you with all our heart for saying "Yes" to God and bringing us His messages of "True Life in God". With all our prayers, may the Lord [...]